Sem omenila da obožujem elektronsko glasbo? Ne? Ups.
Po junijskem party-ju na Iliriji je moja všečnost deadmau5-a močno narasla. Joel ga pač na splošno zmaga pri svojih tridesetih. Všeč mi je njegova lahkotnost in melodičnost, ter dejstvo, da ima tako vokalne kot inštrumentalne komade. Kaj bi dala za tak talent...
Po junijskem party-ju na Iliriji je moja všečnost deadmau5-a močno narasla. Joel ga pač na splošno zmaga pri svojih tridesetih. Všeč mi je njegova lahkotnost in melodičnost, ter dejstvo, da ima tako vokalne kot inštrumentalne komade. Kaj bi dala za tak talent...
Komadi brez katerih ne morem:
Outta My Life
And you know I can't hold on
'Cause I can't miss you while you're gone
All these years I've cried
And you know I've tried
You never live that the way that you like
And I know your darkness deep inside
Walk away from the hurt that you left behind
I'll let the rain wash away the regret
I don't need you to help me forget
If you walk out don't look back
Don't ever be what we had
And I'm not sorry, but I can't forget
You left me bitter about the things you said
'Cause I can't miss you while you're gone
All these years I've cried
And you know I've tried
You never live that the way that you like
And I know your darkness deep inside
Walk away from the hurt that you left behind
I'll let the rain wash away the regret
I don't need you to help me forget
If you walk out don't look back
Don't ever be what we had
And I'm not sorry, but I can't forget
You left me bitter about the things you said
I Remember
Feeling the past moving in
Letting a new day begin
Hold to the time that you know
You don't have to move on to let go
Add to the memory you keep
Remember when you fall asleep
Hold to the love that you know
You don't have to give up to let go
Remember turning on the the night
And moving through the morning light
Remember how it was with you
Remember how you pulled me through
I remember
Letting a new day begin
Hold to the time that you know
You don't have to move on to let go
Add to the memory you keep
Remember when you fall asleep
Hold to the love that you know
You don't have to give up to let go
Remember turning on the the night
And moving through the morning light
Remember how it was with you
Remember how you pulled me through
I remember
Mr G
Alone With You
Brazil (kar je v bistvu podlaga za Happiness od Alexis Jordan)
Not Exactly
Hi Friend
Priznam, jih je kar nekaj, ampak dečko res ustvarja z moja ušesa.
Priporočila -a (glede na deadmau5-a) ki so mi bila všečna:
- Feed Me
- Sub Focus
- Kaskade
- Glenn Morrison
- Chrisl Lake
- Pryda
- Pendulum
- Doctor P
Džizs sem ratala hyper po končanju objave. Miško rulez! :D
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